Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Journal of Life ~ The Man in Your life

Did you ever realize that, throughout your life there is someone who’s looking after you secretly and quietly. This person would probably be the first person for you to ask for money to buy your favorite stuffs.

There is a person in each and everyone’s lives, a very important man whom we all sometimes failed to realize the importance until perhaps they are gone forever. This is the person whom gave you the very existence of life but normally came second rated when it comes to recognition for love.

How well may I ask, that you understand your father?

He could be a person whom you seldom talk to. The stern and unfriendly stares that shoot you the moment you leave the house. He would be a person who might never ask you how’s work or how are things in school, except when it comes to your grades.

Everyone has their side to tell.

For me, I seldom talk to my father except when it comes to explaining letters which he can’t understand. He told me that one of the reasons that he sent me to school was to help him read those ‘ang mo’ letters that he failed to understand each time.

I’ve never told him that I respect him or love him before. This is the way I was brought up; our expression of family love may not be affectionately.

Due to his work, I hardly had the luxury of my father sending me to school. The only time he picked me up after school was during primary three. He would always stand at that exact same location waiting for me and always bring me to the exact same chicken rice stall without fail. I used to think he loves the chicken rice very much but latter I realized he thought I loved eating it.

Maybe it’s because I’m a guy too and it’s kind of weird to start the ‘I love you dad’ thingy. When it comes to family affection, usually it’s my mum who got all the credit.

Deep down, I know that it must have been very hard for him to struggle and support the family.

It is not easy, as I venture through the valley of uncertainty when I started work. Asking money from your parents is perhaps the easiest source of income that you’ve ever come to realize.

It is not easy, to work 12 hours per night, 360days a year for almost 20years just to rest for 5 days during Lunar New Year.

It is not easy to deal with all the aunties that swarmed to the market looking for the freshest fish. Sometimes you would be blamed for forgetting to reserve some fish for them and they would speak ill of you behind your back.

It is not easy to source for the freshest fish to sell and let alone processing them. There were countless of times when he cut himself while cutting a fish. The worst period was a one week infection on his thumb caused by a fish bone.


It was easy though, for me to ask him to buy me a $3000 personal computer when I entered poly which I used it more for games than for ‘school related’ purpose.

It was easy, for me to ask him to support me for my further education without even checking with him whether he has money.

It was easiest, for me to ask him to support me for my wedding preparations incase I ran out of money.

All these happened probably because he was my dad, someone whom I would ask shamelessly for money when I’m in need.

I’m blissful and fortunate that my father is still in relatively good health, except for high blood pressure medication which he has to take to control his blood pressure.

During the last few months, I can genuinely see the joy from him and all the efforts that he is putting in for my wedding preparations.

Someday, I would become someone’s father. Will I be a good father and take care of my children tirelessly?

It is very easy to forget how much effort and hard work that all our fathers have put into our family.

For guys, I’ve figured that you don’t really need to tell them that you love them. You can massage his back for him. You can sit down and talk to him or just give a tap on his shoulder.

I know you father will know and understands.

For your father, chosen by God, is the creator of your life.

Sometimes we only know his very existence but never realized his importance.

Happy Fathers Day, 21st June 2009

1 comment:

Poh Heng said...

My father was quite similar to yours, always very stern, man of a few words to his children.

I have always respected my dad for he started from zero and came to singapore from china when he was only a teenager. When he succeeded, he never fail to remember his roots and contribute regularly to improving his hometown.

I have always been busy with school and work. When i finally decided to relax my pace and spend more time with him, he was hospitalised and passed away 1 month later. I must say i really regretted not spending more time with him.

So i encourage everyone to do appreciate your father.

We at Today's Motherhood wishes all fathers a Happy Father's Day.