Monday, June 07, 2004

- Rejection from her -

- Towards the Infinite Sadness of life –

The world never seems to stop turning, time never seems to take notice on someone who’s struggling through life. Bearing each day with the hopes of being reached by the one he loved, the one he used to care for so much.. How he find life so meaningless and lonely now as he begins each day wondering how would it be if he had done the right thing? The people who used to stand by him weren’t there anymore as he continues his journey to the undiscovered path of life. He falls easily, finding it hard to get up…for he’s alone now…
As he slowly pick himself up upon his feet, time never waits, passing every minute with uncertainty that he will end the same day without being tortured by fate. The self belief and his confidence are all gone now….
Finally he told himself not to care for anyone else again, for he knows no matter how much he cared , no one will be there for him again…. as he head towards the infinite sadness of life…...

- Towards the Path of Infinite Sadness and Mental Destruction of Life -

“Everything aren’t the same without the presence of you….”

Life is not about achievements but the efforts towards success. Many people give up after failures but they never look back to their mistakes. If Love is easy, people would abuse its presence and soon, it will just fade away. Sadness is only used an excuse to be left alone. Loneliness is the beginning of self-discovery as you begin to understand more and more of yourself. No one in this world will fully understand you except yourself, accept the way life is being unfolded and indeed life will be fruitful after all.
Believing may just be one of the most powerful words that man had ever created. Believe in your heart when your mind starts to wonder, believe in yourself when you have non to ponder.
Love is the affectionate feelings develop by 2 mutual parties over time, memories, feelings and experience unify as one. Believe in love and you will be given the greatest gift of all… love in return…..

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