Thursday, April 17, 2003

-My Ambition-

Anyone who had been to school will surely be asked of this question. Most of the time, we would write long essays to becoming a great professional to help the society when we grow up.

Often teachers & doctors were the most popular career ambition that an average 10 year old would think of. Many years later, when we advance our studies, there’s likely a chance that the same question that will be posed again but in a totally different manner.

From “What is your ambition?” to “Describe your dream career and give reasons for your statement” You see, as you grow older, you would realize that things are not as easy as it seems. Doctors need to study in Pure Science, straight As in biology, chemistry & mathematics to stand a chance to study the course of becoming one. Even so, it takes 6 years to complete. Been a teacher too have its own difficulties such as been able to tolerate a bunch of defiant student like us. Another thing about been a teacher, is that you have to set the perfect example all the time. Any misconception you tell your students will land you in their parent’s hot soup.

When you are 16, your ideal ambition will be to become a singer/artist. As you know, artist commands a great fame & paycheck and there’s many admirers waiting for you to adore. For a sports enthusiast, their likely ambition is likely to represent the nation pride in international games. Because you know that sports are something that you no need to study, just practice, practice & more practice.

Finally, you’ve completed your studies. You take the first step into the working society. You will realize that everything you used to hope for is now where near the state you are today.
If you don’t know, there’s no ambition in the real world. People only live by year to year resolution.

From “Ambition” to “Ideal Career” to “What do you see yourself 5 years down the road..”
Sad.. but true. There’s only a small fraction of percentage that people end up doing what they want in the beginning. Sometimes even if they finally do what they want, they might feel that they have made the wrong choice. A designer who has to rush projects for client is someone who will dislike his/her job one day.

I used to think that ambitions are set to encourage yourself to reach a certain goal. Now I look back, I feel that ambitions are set to tell yourself that there is no ideal world.

Nevertheless, “My Ambition” is still a favorite topic for the young. Maybe the sole purpose is to let their creative brains to yield some fruitful thoughts.

My ambitions is to be a
1. Freelance Writer
2. Freelance Comic Artist
3. Freelance Fashion Designer
4. Freelance Photographer
5. Freelance Entrepreneur.
6. Freelance Song Writer/Singer.
7. Full Time Loving boyfriend/husband.
8. Full Time Committed worker.
9. Full Time Caring son.
10. Full Time Helpful Friend.

Though, it may looks a handful too much, at least I know there are some things which only needs to be done when I’m free… that’s why its call freelance.

If you have the time, let’s say waiting for bus/someone. Think of this “What is your ambition last time it was asked and how far are you away from it actually?”
You may be surprised but I’m not, because life is meant to be like that.

“ Don’t stop to celebrate small success but build on them to achieve greater ones..”

Anntonii Lim

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